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Shell Completions

There is a minimal shell completion support for pgexporter-cli and pgexporter-admin for Bash and Zsh and can be taken advantage of.

Installation for Bash

There is a completion script contrib/shell_comp/pgexporter_comp.bash that can be used to help you complete the command line while you are typing.

It is required to source the script into your current shell, for instance by doing:

$ source contrib/shell_comp/pgexporter_comp.bash
$ source contrib/shell_comp/pgexporter_comp.bash


By doing it the above way, the effect is temporary and will go away once the shell is closed. Put a line in .bashrc sourcing the file to have shell completions even after opening a new shell.

At this point, the completions should be active, so you can type the name of one the commands between pgexporter-cli and pgexporter-admin and hit <TAB> to help the command line completion.

Installation for Zsh

In order to enable completion into zsh you first need to have compinit loaded; ensure your .zshrc file contains the following lines:

$ autoload -U compinit
$ compinit
$ autoload -U compinit
$ compinit

and add the sourcing of the contrib/shell_comp/pgexporter_comp.zsh file into your ~/.zshrc also associating the _pgexporter_cli and _pgexporter_admin functions to completion by means of compdef:

$ source contrib/shell_comp/pgexporter_comp.zsh
$ compdef _pgexporter_cli    pgexporter-cli
$ compdef _pgexporter_admin  pgexporter-admin
$ source contrib/shell_comp/pgexporter_comp.zsh
$ compdef _pgexporter_cli    pgexporter-cli
$ compdef _pgexporter_admin  pgexporter-admin


By doing it the above way, the effect is temporary and will go away once the shell is closed. Put a line in .zshrc sourcing the file to have shell completions even after opening a new shell.

If you want completions only for one command, e.g., pgexporter-admin, remove the compdef line that references the command you don't want to have automatic completion.

At this point, the completions should be active, so you can type the name of one the commands between pgexporter-cli and pgexporter-admin and hit <TAB> to help the command line completion.